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Old 03-26-2006, 12:55 PM   #6
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
This coming from someone who doesn't support one team in particular, and only complains about the sport.

And yeah, I know the Leafs lost both games to Montreal. Which in a way is fine because I also support the Habs. Neither has a great team this year anyway.

Toronto has a lot of re-building to do. But they're my team and I'm not a fair-weather fan.

If the team you grew up with left could YOU easily change your loyalties and cheer for a team YOU used to hate? A fair weather fan could. Which is why I DON'T have one team to cheer for anymore.

Being a friend doesn't mean when you have a disagreement you stop being friends either. You should be able to air your differences and steer clear for a while if need be. This has been my feeling towards hockey for close to a decade.

Say what you want Chris but hockey in the last decade has truly sucked ass. This year it HAS been better because the people in charge FINALLY listened to what the fans wanted. Sure the playoffs are always exciting, but a real sportsman can get into the playoffs of ANY sport because of the atmosphere and what's at stake. The games are NOT just like any of the other 82 games in the schedule. That still doesn't make it GOOD hockey. Curling isn't exactly a riveting sport, but the finals of the World Championship when Canada is playing is exciting.

Make no mistake either. They didn't magically start listening to the fans because they WANTED to listen to the fans, but they were fearful of losing them like MLB lost their fans after their last strike. Hopefully next year they listen to their fans AGAIN and fix their RIDICULOUS schedule.
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