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Old 03-27-2006, 12:03 PM   #13
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
Ron, what exactly would you like me to answer again?

You contradict yourself all over the place in this conversation. I am now truly surprised that you do not support the Leafs based on things I already know about you (ie.. huge Domi fan), and also things you are revealing about yourself.
I mentioned liking Thomas Steen's loyalty and THAT is "Contradicting myself all over the place?"

Originally posted by Evil Chris
You talk about loyalty. How loyal was Bobby Hull and the other NHL players who followed him? The NHL was in a big transitional period, and change is never easy but things leveled out.

If you really want to talk about loyalty, let's mention Darryl Sittler shall we? The best Maple Leaf throughout the 70s, who was never fully liked by Ballard yet he remained with the Leafs even though he had offers of A LOT more money from the WHA.
How loyal were they to the game of hockey or the NHL? (see below)

Note-I always like Darryl Sittler and my nickname growing up was Lanny.

Originally posted by Evil Chris

Bottom line here is that you have nothing positive to say about the game yet you say you are a fan. Make up your mind. Roll with the punches like the rest of us. The NHL has been working hard to make the game better for everyone. They seem to be on the right track IMHO.
Originally posted by Ronaldo
This year it HAS been better because the people in charge FINALLY listened to what the fans wanted.
Actually, I seem to be the one being honest in this thread.

But I FINALLY see where you're coming from. It's not HOCKEY that you're a fan of....it's "NHL" hockey.

Sorry to break it to you Chris, but you have the arrogant attitude that is normally associated with our neighbors to the South. OUR game is THE game! While it may have the best players in the world, it doesn't mean it's the best hockey in the world.

International hockey has always been better than NHL hockey. And quite frankly, THAT'S where the best hockey players in the world play. I've long said that if the NHL played on International Ice with International rules THEN the NHL might put on an as entertaining a product. That not being financially feasible, they did the next best thing by taking out the red line, and I acknowledged that above.

I'm not sure if so much not financially feasible to individual teams though or the entire league. Some NHL players are so bad they couldn't play on larger ice. I don't think they could fill the rosters of all the teams they have with quality players. Which covers something else I've said for years....expansion happened too fast and caused the NHL to put out an inferior product because they don't have enough quality players to play the game. Hence the reason so many teams played the trap.

I won't just sit back and tow the line and tell someone how great they are and how great their product is out of loyalty. I'd feel like I'm doing them a disservice by doing so, and thus I'd feel I'm being DISloyal in the process.

I could go on and on but I'll listen to Good Chris's advice, because I simply don't see you seeing someone else's point of view anyways.
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