03-27-2006, 01:29 PM
is only editing this
because Chris is a
Xnations Voice of Reason
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Location: Manitoba, Canada
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
Ron, I appreciate much (but not all) of your point of view on hockey in general and how the NHL came to where it is today. Perhaps I try to think on a more positive side, rather than holding a grudge against the NHL.
I think we both agree that the current situation is a massive improvement since 98/99 when for example, just putting your toe in the crease resulted in a goal being disallowed.
Arrogant is a bit of a stretch though. I am indeed a fan of hockey, not just the NHL. But I believe that this is the elite league, where the best players in the world play, or desire to play. For money yes... But also because they're playing in the best overall calibre league.
Apology accepted.