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Old 03-27-2006, 02:37 PM   #21
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
Basketball? NCAA no less?
You're simply not worthy Ron.

However, it is only a matter of time before you surgically pull THAT sport apart and concentrate on it's flaws. You'll be on an "NBA strike" soon enough.

Was the NBA known as anything else before it became the NBA? That way, you'll have some kind of "good old days" story to talk about on the boards.
I have no doubt it has flaws, I have yet to find anything that doesn't. When you're more caring about something the flaws tend to stick out more though. My wife for example. (To answer your expected reply in advance, that isn't FOCUSING on the flaws, just noticing them more because you DO pay more attention.)

And I don't profess to have enough knowledge about basketball to even attempt to tear it apart.

I can only assume from your laughing at the NCAA that you haven't spent any time watching it. That's fine. I don't expect everyone to enjoy the same things. My wife for example.

I could promise you this though. Watch the March Madness final and THEN tell me it isn't ONE of the most exciting things you've ever witnessed in sports...whether you like the sport or not.
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