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Old 11-30-2002, 10:31 PM   #1
Dugmor should edit this
Bp4L - Vice Prez
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Default Pictures from Las Vegas / Cybernet Expo

A little late but when I got back I had a lot of work. The Cybernet Expo was a smaller show than Internext but it really is a great show to network. I had the chance to really sit down with and talk to some webmasters and set up some solid traffic deals. We where not getting pulled all over trying to make it to every party.

I want to congratulate Evil Chris and Fun Brunette on a beautiful marriage ceremony and reception . It was my first Vegas wedding !

The dinners where great ( Thanks Aly from Python and the parties in the suite put on by the Platinum Crew .

Not to for get all the sponsors

Platinum Bucks

Light Speed


Big Content Content

Profit Plantation

As you can see I had the chance to do some sight seeing. I went to see a few shows but the best one I had the chance to see was Mystere . It was amazing show and I would recommend it to everyone. When I returned back to Montreal I called a contact to get me tickets for"O" . Has anyone seen this show ? The founder of Cirque du Soleil Guy Laliberte is from Montreal has these huge parties up at his mansion.

Here are the Pictures from Las Vegas / Cybernet Expo
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