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Old 03-29-2006, 07:43 AM   #2
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Default Re: People & Threads Nobody Reads

Originally posted by Dravyk
Ok, this has nothing to do with this board. Not in particular anyway. In fact this doesn't go against any board anywhere ... but it does "go against" some posters ....

Jumping around from board to board day after day -- and we've all seen this -- posts by certain folks or on certain topics that ... well, frankly, no one gives a rat's ass about.

But you keep seeing them. Relentlessly, tenaciously and moronicly posting the same things, over and over, that have no replies, the fewest views, and yet they just keep on doing it.

My question is, how stupid are they that they don't get it????

Again, not one poster in particular, a slew of them, across many boards, thinking their selves or their topic is of great importance. Don't they ever notice no one reads a damned thing they say? Aren't they embarrassed or even get a freaking clue (apparently not), that while other threads have bunches of replies or 20X the views, that no one cares what they say?

(I know, I've opened myself to some great retorts from Nick and Ant.) But seriously ... I just wonder why those folks don't get it? Are they thick as rocks? Stupider than moss? (Again, apparently, yes they are.)

Ok, done with my rant.
I'm just shocked to hear that there's other boards and that you frequent them! lol
Happy HUMP day sweetie!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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