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Old 03-29-2006, 11:54 AM   #5
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Drav...the reason they don't get it is because *they* don't read their own posts, which means they don't check the responses and/or page views. Their job is to make a fly-by post and go on to the next board. Or, if not job, hobby.

However...and I just know you felt that "however" way over there in Philly ...to do anything about these posters ("do anything" like smack 'em or post "who gives a shit?" in their threads) rises an ugly aspect of censorship. Or worse...the junior high school gym class equivelent of only choosing the popular kids for the team.

You and I have happily killed time playing vocabulary swordfights that I know left many people cold...as well as confused. (Nick and I have done the same thing, but people hesitated before flinging barbs like "get a room!" at Nick...not so with the two of us. Nick *will* tell them - in his own unique, delightfully obscene way - where to put their suggestion. You and I just shrug and ignore.)

We need to be a little more kind and patient with each other. Buried in the midst of the numbers of people who do flyby posts are a few who just want to play, too, but don't know how.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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