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Old 03-29-2006, 12:19 PM   #90
MorganGrayson should edit this
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I skipped to the end of this rather long thread after reading most of the first page.

DrGuile pretty much said it all, succinctly and well.

Back in the day, another webmaster and I began a dedicated attempt to assist in the fight against cp. He hunted down some members of law enforcement, explained we were adult linkmasters and in a particularly unique position to help, because all we had to do was sit here and the shit was submitted to us. Well, said law enforcement agent went happily berserk, contacted his supervisor - who also went happily berserk - until the suggestion worked far enough up the food chain and we were told to merely submit the urls to customs. In other words, we got shut down.

It was a learning experience in many ways.

I learned that many disgusting sites aimed at pedophiles were in fact quite legal. That didn't make them moral, just legal. The wide gap between legality and morality is something of which I had long been aware.

However...and this is one big, screaming "however"...using sites that are "legal" in and of themselves to "upsell" to porn can't be. It just can't be. (OK, I'm shaking and screaming and may be wrong, but I'm going to keep shaking and screaming.)

If you read the TOS of every legitimate sponsor out there - note to new webmasters: READ THE TOS (Terms of Service or simply, the rules) - they mention how fast you WILL NOT BE PAID if you screw around like that.

I'm working on a new linksite, and was considering a "nonnude" category, because I think clothed people are sexy. However, in my innocence, I was thinking of some of the content that I already own - a lovely black woman, mid-20's or more, in white lace, nonnude. Very sexy stuff, but she's a grown-up for heaven's sake. Will including a nonnude category get me submissions of children wearing clothing? I do not believe I will be able to cope with that.

There's an old Irish saying that my mother was fond of: "dirty money brings a curse." That's how she explained the Kennedy family's tendency to get bombed with assassinations, etc. Their original fortune came from liquor, which was considered "dirty money" back in the day. (My Mom had a lot of these.) Well, I like money and I'm willing to bend a lot more rules than I used to be willing to bend. Life does that. However, I still believe that "dirty money brings a curse." Anything made off exploiting a child is the ultimate in dirty money...and I hope the curse hits these people hard and fast.

Nice thread topic, Chris. Good to see so many angry on this topic.

The feeling of helplessness sucks, though.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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