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Old 03-29-2006, 12:36 PM   #1
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Default Any gardeners out there?

Yes, I could surf and look this stuff up, but I'd much rather stay here and ask.

New home...new landscaping....

I brought all my potted cactus from the old house, and they're happy and healthy. I also brought some cuttings of jade, yucca and something that translates into "always alive." Now, those are easy. You just stick them in the ground and they go "ok" and proceed to grow. (It's the damndest thing, really. No "rooting" or anything. Just shove the cut end into the ground, apply water and off they go.)

On the other side of my back fence is some interesting "ground cover." It's sort of a silver-grey with red flowers. Little bits of it are poking through my fence. I'd like to have some on my side of the fence, in one corner of my yard.

Does anyone know what has to be done with ground cover? Is it, too, a "stick a cutting in the ground, apply water, etc" kind of plant...or do I have to do something to "root it"? (For the gentleman in the back row: yes, I could just stick a piece in the ground and find out, but getting this stuff will require my draining my physical reserves for the day, and I'd like a little info before I do that.)

Good news from the front of my house: the 6 rose bushes that I pruned with no knowledge and the "irritable Jason with a machete" approach are leafing out nicely. I didn't kill the things after all. I have my "Miracle Grow Rose Food" so hopefully they'll flex their muscles and provide me with lots of cut roses for vases. Especially that odd one on the end, which is actually two different roses grafted together. One bush grows two different kinds of roses. Impressed the hell out of me, I'll tell ya.

A previous owner also planted bulbs. I have lovely white daffodils at the moment. Purple something-or-other before that.

When it finally stops raining, my husband sees the moment when I'll turn to him and say "pull out all the weeds now, please" coming at him.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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