Originally posted by Dravyk
Oh I don't think "anything should be done about them". I just wonder how many anvils need to fall for some folks to get the message: "no one cares, go dry up in a corner and get a life."
As to "more kind and patient" ... bah humbug and eat my shorts! 
Cunty? Moi? Never!
Dravyk, I have known you for eight years and you have never once suggested that I dine on your under garments!!!!
(Frankly, that's one of the many things I've always liked about you!)
I'd return the "compliment" if it were't for the many rather obvious comebacks...not to mention the also obvious comments from those who will *FAST* become known as the "peanut gallery" if they say so much as ONE WORD!!!!
I'm outta here!