Originally posted by Dravyk
Once? Geez! No she will not take Pop Culture for any amount, Alex.
I'm afraid you've reduced me to basics.
OH, YEAH?!?!?!?
Originally posted by Dravyk
Were I drinking Bailey's, I'd be in a good mood, midear. So nyah!!!
This is true. Nothing quite improves the mood like Baileys. Yum!
Originally posted by Dravyk
Hell can't even highlight words on here. What is this, the last VB2 board in existance??? (ducking and running)
Oh, NOW you've done it! You just wait until Chris, FB and Panky get back! You're gonna get a whuppin!
OK...let me rethink that...you'd LIKE it from FB and Panky...better let Chris do the whuppin!
Do you have any idea the amount of work that goes into making a response that has THREE quotes in it? I have the feeling we're inadvertantly illustrating the original "pointless posts" subject. Not at all what was originally intended....