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Old 03-30-2006, 11:42 AM   #1
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Default Winner Named for 'Home Office From Hell'

NEW YORK (AP) - If you work from an office in your home, you probably have a pretty good idea of the meaning of the word "frustrating." Jason Welshonse does. He runs a computer support and consulting firm and has just won a competition called the "Home Office From Hell Contest."

Entrants had to list the top ten reasons they needed to escape their home offices.

Among the winner's reasons: "I have to yell "Phone!" really loud when the phone rings to make sure all TV's and radios get muted so I can answer it."

Another winning reason: "I've started to refer to my pets as employees."

The contest was sponsored by offices2share.com, a Website that helps small businesses find short-term, ready-to-use office space.

The prize is a pre-paid one-year office lease at any offices2share.com location.

Wait a minute.
Your pets *aren't* employees?
I guess I'll be hearing from the IRS soon.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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