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Old 03-31-2006, 03:53 PM   #24
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by Don Soporno
hey, some tension at the Nation, thats unusual. We need Sweet to lay the smackdown.....
Don...this falls more under the category of "tradition" than "tension."

Dravyk and are are both writers and have worked together on many projects. We found we have a similiar sense of humor (i.e. warped, disturbed and polysyllabic) and love to toss words at each other. We play "verbal smackdown" as often as possible because we both have a rather rare quality: we find losing more fun than winning. In our version of the game, having youre "opponent" toss a line at you that leaves you speechless, that you simply can not top, is a rush. It's simply no fun to play a game you always win.

Nick has harrassed us about this since the beginning of time.

Nick also plays a pretty intense and excellent game, himself.

Dravyk, Nick, Anthony and I have known each other since the "C.O.N.D.O.M. Project" was a simple threaded board...and many other things were a lot more simple, too.

I do realize that anyone coming in to it cold might wonder about it...like the guest brought to a big family gathering might wonder "what in the hell is WITH you people?"
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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