Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Well...plant...growning...yes, that's gardening.
I'm embarrassed to admit this...but I was once given a plant by someone who knew how...how do I put this?...ok, impossibly naive I was when I was young. It was a beautiful plant, that I put in the front window to get lots of sun.
It was yanked off the sill by my outraged boyfriend, who howled "don't you know what that IS?!?!?!?"
Uh...well...a pretty, leafy green plant?
All true. It was also a flourishing marijuana plant.
"Oh," I said, the way I said "oh" back then.
Unfortunately, that's a true story. Also unfortunately, the laws back then would have had me incarcerated for decades had anyone other than my boyfriend discovered it on the windowsill.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Neither is being just plain dumb.
ROFL!!!!!! Morgan, you're so adorable I want to bite your cheek! That's the funniest shit I've read all day! I really love the fact that you can laugh at yourself, it really makes you who you are "SPECIAL"! Yeah yeah SHUT UP Nick before you make a sick comment, I think the world of Morgan and I'm not ashamed to tell THE WORLD....LMAO!!!!