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Old 03-31-2006, 06:38 PM   #11
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by Sin
I've accomplished eating bagged salad, providing I eat it the same evening I buy it and those green onions aren't dead yet either, so I figure I better get a couple tomatoes & another bagged salad, to put them with, before I end up killing them too.

As for your neck, that's an entirely different type of affliction my dear Odd how they seemed to almost appear overnight, no?

Sin...way to go on "the neck"!! Nice to see grown-ups enjoying the stuff that drove them nuts when they were young. (I personally have a child who got her butt grounded for groaning with high drama "MOTHER! I simply will not be seen in public with you with THAT on your neck!!" Harumph. All I ever said to HER was "nice hickey." Where the hell did the child think she'd come from - a cabbage patch? *grumble*)

Anyhoo...I have a "black thumb," too. Until I discovered a plant called "pothos," that is. This is a houeplant that lets you know it needs watering by drooping and shriveling, however, like other house plants that's not an indication of death. Merely thirst. Once you water the thing, it pops back up, bright and green, and sends out its tendrils. I had pothos that needed to be pruned they got so carried away. One can either experiment with how long the tendrils will get, by draping them over hooks in the wall, the curtain rods, etc., etc., like I did, or cut the tendrils off causing the plant itself to become more "bushy."

However, Sin, if green growing things are totally allergic to you, I'd keep in mind the local salad bar and cans of veggies to get your vitamins. Then go home...and have meat.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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