Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Anyhoo...I have a "black thumb," too.
Well, to be honest, my "garden" contains plant friends that meet one simple criterion: they can survive on benign neglect!

Pretty much everything that lives in my yard has made it through 5+ years of not much more than being watered, pruned now and then and/or being dug up (or pulled out of a pot) and planted in a different location. As a result, most everything is something that can survive the extremes of temperature we go through here in Porn Valley! I do pay a bit more attention to my plant friends in Summer, as my gia-fucking-mongous water bill demonstrates.
And All-Purpose Miracle-Gro is the best invention EVER!
I take a shitload of pictures of the plants in my yard (little things make me happy :lol

. I'll try to get them all uploaded and into a gallery soon, as an example of what'll grow here in SoCal with a minimum of maintenance. AND, if you see something you like, chances are I've got enough of it to share some -- we could hook up and I'll gladly send 'em home with you!
FB, re: my avatar -- I've got pirate pics a-plenty from nearly 10 years marauding the coast (and inland) of Southern California. Indeed, the one in my avatar is one of my favorites... I wish I was still that thin!!!