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Old 04-03-2006, 01:56 AM   #1
GoodChris is not gay like EVIL Chris
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Default I think I think too much

Ok, this is one of my little epiphanies that happen so often.

Here I am explaining to someone how our calendar is f'ed up... it should be 13 months of 28 days, not 12 months of 30,31, leap years etc... only makes sense, it ties into the moons rotation etc... someone f'ed up way back in time and now we are stuck with it.

Then I start to think about things.. (no, not pot induced this time) and I start to think about sperm, eggs etc...and it just goes on...

To make this short and sweet...

A woman has approximately 42 years of fertility. Which would give us 42 yrs X 13 Cycles = 546 potential Eggs

take 546 and divide it by 9 (female human pregnancy cycle) and your answer will be 66.6


The female human, being able to produce a life every 9 months, potentially 13 times per year over a 42 year period

2 numbers that stick out: 66.6 and 13

13 bad luck
666 sign of lucifer

I'm either crazy or the superstitious ones have been saying something to us for years.
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ICQ 12531824
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I'm not Easy, but sometimes I get tricked
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