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Old 04-04-2006, 03:21 PM   #7
MorganGrayson should edit this
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I used to spend a lot of time bashing my head against the wall that is Nickatilynx on this subject.

I was SO certain that I - the "ethical one" - was right, and he - the one who enjoys yanking on my chain which is always in reach - was wrong.

Then, at a rather surprising age, I grew up.

He's right. We all sell out our ethics, some more than others of course, but we all sell out.

In this, what must be my 15th incarnation on the adult 'net, I found myself doing things that I NEVER would have considered doing in the beginning. Now, these things are never going to make most of you gasp with shock, but they would have surprised the hell out of the "old Morgan," were she still around to have an opinion.

I still have the ethics I can afford. However....

I leave that "however" as this little monologue's finale.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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