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Old 04-04-2006, 04:11 PM   #27
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Default The use of "doorway pages"

This is about building a site, or more specifically using the same 20 pictures to build several different sites all within the same folder and submitting them to linksites with the use of "doorway" pages.

First, your largest linksites should always be on the "index.html" page of the domain/folder. Generally, these sites don't allow your pics to open on html pages.

Build a template that goes like this:
index.html (with the linkback buttons already in place for your selected "biggest" linksites - doesn't matter what category because you're going to replace them with each correct category for each site you make; what's most important is that the code is neat so that they're easy to replace.)
keyword.html (your main page)
sex-pics-1.html (your first gallery page)
sex-pics-2.html (your second gallery page.)
(have all the code for your pics and thumbs in place.

Copy these templates into the folder with your 20 pics. Note: I always rename my pics to 01.jpg, 02.jpg, to work with my templates. I hand code, so I want it simple.

We're making a "blonde" site here.

The index.html page goes to "blonde.html" as a main page. Rename the gallery pages to "blonde-sex-pics-1.html" and "blonde-sex-pics-2.html."

Now...your first doorway, to sites that also require pics to open without html pages.

For your template, make an "enter.html" page that has your selected doorway linksites already in place.

Enter.html can open to "blonde.html" or "main.html." I use a "main.html" because one of my enter.html linksites has a "vote for this site" feature to raise it in its rankings. I want enter.html to go to main.html then to sex-pics-1.html, because I put the ranking device along with some catchy text above it on the first or second gallery pages.

If you have a grouping of linksites that allow doorway pages (the ones that don't say "must be on index.html") and also allow pics to open on html pages with a sponsor link, make a third doorway, for instance "entrance.html" or "blonde-pics.html" that goes to something like "blonde-sex.html" that goes to blonde-pics-1.html that has your thumbs linking to html pages with sponsor links on them.

The "search/replace" feature in my Notetab Lite gets quite a workout sometimes, but *I* don't get a workout, and I like that.

You'll only have 20 pics and 20 thumbs taking up space on your server, but you've in effect made three different sites with them and submitted them to a lot of different linksites.

Will this make you more money? Perhaps. Sorry, but that's all I can give you. A good, solid "perhaps."
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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