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Old 04-04-2006, 04:29 PM   #8
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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I do appreciate your wanting to do a paper on ethics - but the fact is that the recent 2257 has nothing to do with ethics as much as control.

Nothing in the changes protect children instead carry on the idea and prejudice label that anyone and everyone in the adult industry has something to do with CP. Very similar to gun laws that require honest citizens to register their firearms the crooks who have illegal guns are simply not going to walk into a police station and 'do the right thing'.

The honest adult companies follow even more strictly the rules of not having any underage content - but these new suggestions are meant to harass - to attempt to frustrate the webmaster into quitting.

To the government we are as drug dealers and pimps - so to deal with us as a business model would give notoriety and admission that we are a legitimate organization. Condoning the adult content companies by admitting that we do follow the regulations and have rights the government would change their strategy from "all porn is bad porn" to the real problem in catching the criminals.

We are as much CP related as a pharmacist is a drug dealer. That is why there is so much fighting going on in court as the government refuses to admit that anything adult is legal. The majority do follow the letter of the law - just don't tell your family and friends who stereotype us all as mafia.

Clearly from the proposed changes we see that the government has no idea what the internet is all about or how it functions. Following through on their terms would tie up resources on both sides for years. If they truly wished to stop CP in its tracks then all they need to do is ask the professionals who are in the industry how to go after those that produce and sell. If given the power the ethical and honest side of the business would have the problem solved within a few years since we have the knowledge and technology to put an end to it.

Recently I offered my years of experience to my local police authority to help track and find such creatures in our city - I was ignored. By not using the resources available to them the government and police are prolonging their cause thereby allowing more CP to be created simply because they choose not to associate themselves with those who truly care and can do something about it. Its more than their loss - its the children's cries as each day goes by without help because of stubborn bureaucracy and unwaivering bitterness to the adult industry as a whole.

Skype: robjameswarren

"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato
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