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Old 04-04-2006, 05:23 PM   #10
Nickatilynx should edit this
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I agree nicely written...


but these new suggestions are meant to harass - to attempt to frustrate the webmaster into quitting.
Most should , they are selling out their future and potentia earning ability for beer money

We are as much CP related as a pharmacist is a drug dealer.
What about an Indian or German pharma writing precriptions online for Americans? ;-)))

The majority do follow the letter of the law
The poor ones

just don't tell your family and friends who stereotype us all as mafia.
If you do not think the real players in the business do not have associates in orgainised crime , you are tripping...

One word "Crescent"

And finally nearly every adult webmaster IS a ciminal...just one that is not prosecuted or convicted yet.

Which of you think that your websites have artistic merit and would not offend the community standards of most small US towns?

Especiall bearing mind that the US's bible belt appears to be anywhere south of the Canadian border LOL

But hey don't let me make you think the adult webmaster world isn't a community lol Though frankly I think its a loose association of crooks , villains , misfits and pervs ..at least 90% do this because they can't do anything else.
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