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Old 04-11-2006, 11:39 AM   #11
Magnus3x is superfantastico!
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I was just saying the same thing the other day.. I wish I could take a snap of the scope of people at the shows and the people I talk to on a daily business. Cuz it doesn't look anywhere near the same as it did and I am a late bloomer starting in the biz in late 1999.

Vegas especially makes me go Hmmmm.. so many people I have never seen or heard of.. spending hundreds of thousands on launches and booths and want to spend big on deals etc (well not so much this year..) then 6 months later they are gone and never to be heard from again.

The factors are many, sure we can say the usual sky is falling BS from Visa, billing, 2257, Acasia..you rarely hear that word anymore.. yet it was HUGE news a few years back. But I think some of the old school peeps didn't want to adapt as the money never came as easy as it did in the mid 90's, so they have moved on to mainstream or other bigger and better opportunities. The new players come in with loads of cash but with super high expectations and some have had a lack of experience to make the projects fly as well as projected.

There is still loads of cash to be made in this biz and with all the new stuff coming down the pipe those with aggressive and original ideas, some $$$, hard work ethic and the ability to adapt to the ever evolving times will be winners!
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