Originally posted by Evil Chris
Or possibly, will your personal (home) situation affect your involvement in the online business?
I actually think That if I leave this industry, the home situation will be in cause. Having two teenagers at home with a father that past away about 4 years ago and being obligated to travel a couple of times a year, makes it harder and harder every time. While I was in Phoenix, my youngest ( 13 ) was ejected from school and I was totally powerless since I was far. I do have great support at home so this might be working out for now but depending on the next shows and how it goes... the future is very incertain... I have to admit though, It would break my heart if I ever have to leave
Oh and I am forgetting to mention that the kids still don't know what I do for a living... I am trying to wait as long as I can before I get to tell them.
I need to leave the goodies in the office now that they understand English