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Old 04-11-2006, 12:36 PM   #21
qwebecexpo should edit this
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Originally posted by Rochard

Yes, people have come and gone. People are attracted to our industry for a host of reasons, some because they think it's easy money and others because they are just plain attracted to the porn aspect of our industry and a burning desire to naked chicks in public. Some of us in the industry - no names mentioned - had no real connection to the industry, attended one of our conventions, made a few friends, and then found themselves addicted.


This is a wonderful industry to be in. But it's a serious business and those who are serious about it will still be here five years from now.

Wow Rochard I can't explain better

Princess is also corrct. I remember we were talking with Marc Laffer (Adult Chamber) at Intx Vegas few years agom and we were saying that is sad seeing the Adult industry "runned" by Kids... With their "Player" and "FUCK OFF" attitude ...

Well, in five year, we do plan to still run our QWEBEC Expo show in a larger version and still be the main show for the North-East region...
Michael P.
CEO - Sponsorship & Exhibit Sales Mgr.
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