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Old 04-11-2006, 12:43 PM   #23
Nickatilynx should edit this
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I've never considered myself to be in the porn business.

I consider myself to be in the "traffic" business.

Early on I posted on YNOT (97ish) that if I could earn more money sending traffic to "Buy widgets now" , I'd do that.

So thats what I did by about 2004.

A wiseman told me early on... "there is only one thing that is important in this business. Productive TRAFFIC. As long as you have it , you are King."

Its good to be King.

Anthony is sooooo right...us being able to self generate 300-500 joins a day to adult are long gone. Despite my resources and knowledge I couldn't get close to those numbers.

But I can send 30 - 100 joins to nonadult products in a day and actually net more money.

And whilst agreeing with Anthony over most people doing good in Service areas , this is true. But for these service to be required the people at the top need to e making the $$$ to warrant them.

And I see more and more support staff made unemployed and more support staff who would be better of just getting a job.

But there is as the wise man once said "The life blood of this business is traffic , everyone wants it."
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