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Old 04-11-2006, 03:12 PM   #39
Nickatilynx should edit this
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Sorry to be such an arrogant cunty wanker over this (its my nature though) .......

but it is something I believe in strongly.....

By being in the adult business you are making a choice that will affect your future career options and , if you are a citizen of some nations , you are in fact risking your liberty.

Therefore it is only sensible to maximise your income in return to offset this.

I know that people on boards listen to and learn from people that post and that some naive people believe some of them to know what they are doing by there "board perception".

IE there are many on boards that give sage advice based on absolutely no actual proven track record.

This pisses me off. Big time!

It was why I took Netpond along the path I did. ( With , frankly Meats passion too)

It was basically if you wanna follow someones avice , check that he knows what he is doing.

There are many many people that people think do good from this business who in fact live in a trailer and cannot lay there hands on $500.Yet 20 or 30 impressionable newbs will follow there advice.

It is why I make it clear that I'm riiich bitch from this business.LOL I know what I'm doing. I may not be very nice or very pleasant...but I do know this game and can get references LOL

But most will follow the advice of the nice board personnae ..and stay poor...

If you wanna learn how to play golf who would you rather have teaching you ? Tiger Woods , or Evil Chris???

Seems in the adult business if Evil Chris was nice and Tiger was a bit rude and arrogant everyone one would chose Evil Chris , and no one would ever break 90!!!

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