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Old 04-12-2006, 11:56 AM   #1
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Default Are ALL Leaf fans such pussies?

They can all talk a good game about how great their team is, but are never willing to put anything on the line.....

Evil Chris 4/12/200 10:34 AM If the Leafs get in the playoffs, I want you
to wear my Jersey the next time we're together
at a show.

ronaldo 4/12/200 10:35 AM you know what? I WOULD agree to that,
but since you're offering NOTHING in return, I
think they need to at least ONE playoff

Evil Chris 4/12/200 10:35 AM ok

Evil Chris 4/12/200 10:36 AM sounds fair to me

Evil Chris 4/12/200 10:36 AM you just screwed yourself bud


Evil Chris 4/12/200 10:37 AM GO LEAFS GO

ronaldo 4/12/200 10:38 AM bah, if they DO win man, you can bring
some blue and white paint and a blue wig and I'll
walk around the whole first day HOWEVER you
want to paint me up in a Leafs theme.

of course, I have the balls to risk a bet like
that....or getting naked, why are Leaf fans
such chicken shits? I dunno.

Evil Chris 4/12/200 10:39 AM I'm going to buy paint.

Yer fucked!! LOL

ronaldo 4/12/200 10:40 AM good luck
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