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Thread: Newbie here
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Old 04-12-2006, 11:02 PM   #12
montrealpornking should edit this
A/K/A Bill Clinton
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Default Re: Newbie here

Originally posted by BruceMiller
Well, a newbie to this board anyway Just wanted to say hi to everyone and don't pay attention to anything I say, I'm usually full of hot air... LOL
Welcome to xnations.
One of your ladies was actually in the following thread


Hope you enjoy your time here and all the best.
For all those who don't know Bruce, he runs www.4realcash.com
Honestly I am not pushing any program but I can tell you from dealing with him that he's a great guy and will do all he can to make you as an affiliate happy.
I say give this guy a chance.
The link above is not my affiliate link code but direct to his program so I am not making anything if you join his program and make money.
I am just posting this as an opinion of his program and how much I think you would be happy with it.
Who knows, you might end up owning one of these after permoting his sites. LOL

"Nothing is more permanent as a temporary government program." - Milton Friedman



Oh and as a Former United States President I'll say this again "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky."
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