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Old 04-12-2006, 11:06 PM   #29
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Default Re: Re: Re: Thinking of getting a new car... suggestions?

Originally posted by Evil Chris
New... under 40K. The Mustang falls right in line. I think I'll be ordering one next winter.
We just got rid of our Hummer H2 (didn't like it at all) Anna wanted a smaller SUV, better gas milage, more features etc. She had her eye on the Infinity FX45, and we almost got it.. But we were in the dealership getting the oil changed on the H2 and saw a '07 Tahoe LTZ. It had every feature the H2 had on it, plus every feature our '02 Vette has on it, and many more, all for about $7K cheaper than we paid for the H2. GM is hurting pretty good right now, and I think they are finally steping up to the plate on some of their vehicles. Anyway, we ended up getting it that day and love it. The gas milage is great, we get close to 20mpg and it also runs on the Ethenol E-85, although we don't have any stations around us yet that we can purchase it from.

email Bruce AT 4RealCash.com
ICQ 178-907-647
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