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Old 04-13-2006, 09:47 AM   #24
Vid Vicious
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Originally posted by Visualad
Ive been training since I was 16.. I think muscles in the right "amount" look good on both women and men. I remember In 1994 or 1995 I think, The "muscle mag" Flex Magazine started photo series with female bodybuilders and fitness babes posing in sexy bikinis and what not.. Most of the women that usually looked too "hardcore", looked really sexy in those series.. I got surprised myself that I liked some of those muscle women in the series, which I didnt like before. I think alot of it has to do with what she wears, the location or how the studio is setup and ofcourse the model herself.. It takes alot both from the photographer and the model to bring out that "sexiness". That first pic of her is so dark and she doesnt look happy nor sexy. Her "posing" isnt that sexy/hot either. Looks like something from a wrestling magazine and not a "sexy" shoot.. I bet you could make her look alot sexier by maybe making the shoot alot lighter, having good make up, making her smile and try around with diffirent poses to see which ones are her strenghts where she looks sexy, etc, etc..

I see this as a challenge bro! Take her back into the studio, change things around and do your best to make it all look sexy and hot! :-)
Thanks for the comment ..
She's very very pale skinned .. which I find hard to light (hense the darker lighting) Also she's not very cut not at all, just mass. So I opted for harsher shadows to bring out what ever cuts she might have .. Notice the tangerine pics, The harxh shadows and darker lighting works for her ... I need to think abotu this much more before I bring her back to the studio ...

Thanks for the support ...
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