We had the pancakes and sausage last night for supper.
Sin...Portuguese Linguisa is a sausage that is popular for breakfast in places in northern California where there is an a heavy Portuguese American population. (This according to my husband who has never met a sausage he didn't like, including chorizo, which I won't go near since I read the wrapper in the grocery. They got just a tad specific on the parts of the animal used for my comfort. TMI is a bad thing where sausage is concerned. Hypocritical of me, yes, as any vegetarian or vegan will tell you "dead animal is dead animal," but personally, I like a bit of ignorance.)
Dravyk...it would be a kindness if your recipe for banana pancakes landed in my inbox!

I just bought some "straight off the boat" green bananas and I'm waiting for them to ripen - which they will most likely do in 7 minutes. (That's the way it always works. They're too green to eat when you get the "banana craving," and zip rapidly into "better think of something to cook *fast* condition.")
A new kitchen has caused me to morph back into "make it from scratch" land and I have all the ingredients at hand to bake. I'm even going to go back to baking my own bread, something I haven't done in years. I used to do it all the time. My youngest - owner of the huge Kitchen Aid mixer with the dough hook - took over doing that, but she took the mixer with her when she moved. So, it's back to "kneed by hand," which is what I always did anyway. I'm going to do it on a nice day when all the windows are open so that the nice Hispanic lady next door - creator of some pretty great cooking smells herself - will know that I'm baking bread. (One of the better things about making your own bread is the smell. They should make air fresheners like that!)