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Old 04-16-2006, 01:11 AM   #1
thruma is hard at work.(double meaning)
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Default Linux lovers read this

Some of you may know about this already but I only just found it.


It's basically a bunch of linux console programs but for windows.

Download the ones you want and it's probably as close to a linux console
you're gonna be able to get out of DOS.

What use is this?

For me personally I find myself wanting to be able to tar and zip a directory before I upload it when it has more than 100 HTML files in it.

This is a daily occurance for me and I sometimes but not always find my FTP server disconnecting and reconnecting because of the sheer number of files.
This just slows everything down and makes it overly time consuming to do a simple upload of about 1MB.

I downloaded tar and gzip and tested it out and it's great!
Just one file to upload. And yes it takes a bit more time to do it this way too but not nearly as long as the wait for my FTP client to keep reconnecting over and over.

Hope it helps you guys too.

don't forget you might need to change permissions of the dir or files to make them accessable to the web.
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