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Old 04-19-2006, 09:13 PM   #14
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Sophie...first off, I've been very happily married for over 26 years. I mention that to let you know I have a few solid opinions on things.

Once a long time ago, my husband and I were both on the PTA Council of our girl's school. I had done the Halloween Carnival, a huge project that exhausted me and nearly put me in the hospital.

The PTA president made the mistake of saying "your husband probably won't let you do it again."

My husband shoved the table hard and slid his chair back. They looked at him and said "what are you doing?" He said "getting out of the way of the explosion."

LET ME? LET ME?!?!?!?!?

On to porn.

I've done phone sex, which is actual contact with other humans, even if it is over the phone. As I genuinely like people, and genuinely like men, I was quite fond of a lot of my regulars. I'd come out from a call and tell my husband "that was the guy who loves historical novels" or "that was the odd guy who could cum 7 times" or whatever. He'd smile, the - and this is important - the SAME WAY I'd smile whenever he'd mention any of the people that wandered through his work life.

You see, my options for earning potential are pretty limited. I have multiple disabilities and do the best I can with what I have. What my husband is - is proud of me. He's proud that I try. He's proud that I bring in money. Does he give a shit that what I do is porn? Nope.

If I told my husband that I wanted to shoot male nude content, what I'd get is advice from a former professional photographer, which he was in his youth. Would he be jealous? Not at his age. He's pretty much locked down on the concept that HE is the one I want and the ONLY one I want.

We both know the neighbors can't know what I do. (I have lovely riffs on my blog about the neighborhood, but I'm a writer and made all that up.) I'm not in the slightest ashamed of what I do and neither is he, but we know what the world is like and deal accordingly.

A coworker once asked him what his webmaster wife (we tell that much) used to make her sites and he offhandedly remarked "nothing, she hand codes." The guy dropped his voice to a reverent hush and said "she HAND CODES? Wow."

Writing makes me healthier. It doesn't matter *what* I write, as long as I'm writing. He knows that. He loves to read porn, so he reads my stories as well as a lot of others.

Sophie, you've gotten some harsh advice in this thread and sadly, it's all correct. GoodChris put it in a simple sentence. Boyfriends who are jealous of jobs tend to be jealous of jobs. If you weren't doing this, you'd most likely be catching it over "spending too much time" over whatever you were doing. You'd come home with something funny the guy at the next desk said...and he'd give you that look and you'd know he was wondering about you and the guy at the next desk.

I had a psycho ex when I was young who accused me of having an affair with a male friend.

My male friend was gay.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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