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Old 04-24-2006, 11:21 AM   #1
Kenny B
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Default Biohazard Trex gets wrecked! (PICS!)

What a fucking weekend! We had the new BiohazardBitches T-rex out the other night, and man that mother fucker is fast! We were flying blew right passed a speed trap at close to 200 km/h, there was no way the cops were going to be able to catch us at that speed so we bolted! The fuckers set up a road block ahead and basically ran us off the road causing us to crash through 2 cars almost killing us!

Pretty exciting story, but it’s full of shit! This happened a few blocks from my house on Friday night. Two guys were flying in the T-Rex decked out with biohazard stickers, lost control of it and took out a bunch of cars. The guys bolted the scene on foot and left the T-Rex. The cops wouldn’t tell me much other that they’re looking for 2 males who fled the scene of the accident and excessive speed was the cause of the accident. I don’t know if they ever got the guys or if the T-Rex was stolen, but it makes for a good story:-)

kenny - at -kennyspennies.com
icq: 53962376
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