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Old 04-30-2006, 09:14 PM   #1
adultra should edit this
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Default Our digg counterpart?

Hello everybody, been a long time lurker. Trying to do my research before jumping in the water if you know what I mean.

One thing though as I'm going through my "newbie training" is that I find it hard and time consuming jumping back and forth between various websites/forums looking for news and what's hot throughout the day. I spend countless hours just sifting through content, hours I would like to spending on my own business.

So here is where my question lies...

How many of you have used digg.com in the past? I always wandered why they never expanded into fields outside of the technology world. The blogosphere has countless niches that people are attracted to. I understand digg doesn't want to be everything to everybody, so I took it upon myself for more of a personal tool to but to try and answer - Why not a "digg" for the adult industry? That's why I put together...(drumroll)...

http://<br /> LiveHive.com - The La... in Adult News

We're all overwhelmed by the fast-multiplying amount of news released each day in our business? The best I can do just to keep up is to visit every adult news site I know and browse all the forums I can for the lastest stories and announcements.

With livehive, it's users are like bees that go out, find, and bring back nectar (news and information) to the hive (the adult webmaster community) so it can be turned into honey (money)! I don't claim to be a bee expert but that's the best way I can explain it.

If you're familar with how digg.com works then livehive.com could provide some guidance, and some relief. The site, which I hope will mostly feature news and stories about the adult industry can filter stories from all over the Internet (sites/forums/blogs/etc.) and present them in a nice linear news-type interface. All livehive's content comes from its users, webmasters like you who scour the adult news sites, sponsors, blogs, and other online sources for interesting tidbits.

The news items that users submit -- usually in the form of a short writeup and a link -- go into a queue, where members vote (or buzz, hint the hive concept) on their favorites. The 20 stories that attract the most votes -- or "buzzes" -- are featured on the site's front page as buzzworthy, which is updated several times an hour to keep the news fresh. It's this innovative "by the adult webmaster, for the adult webmaster" writing and editing system that I hope sets livehive apart from other adult resource web sites.

So give me your thoughts, suggestions, comments, etc. I want your opinions on this kind of site for the adult industry?

Please keep in mind that the site is spanking new and last I knew I was the only user and only about a handful of stories were submitted. I really need some people to beta test this site for me. Really put it through the ringer. I know of some tag errors but I'm working on them. People need to submit stories, etc. Users will be able to see what other users are finding interesting in the world of adult news. Those top stories will be posted to the front page. Hence less time me or you need to spend scouring for headlines, that si if its something you do.

I look forward hearing feedback from you, thanks.
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