Originally posted by DonMike
Wow, is that a blanket statement or what? There could be a whole other study about Gays and Lesbians in regards to this. I know a lot of gay men (and even some straight men) who are verbal, nurturing, emotional, etc. and more lesbians who are outdoorsy and aggressive and all that stuff. Not to mention the whole thing about people who are transgendered. Would be really interesting to find out if the path those hormones take are different for each type of person.
Yes, that's an amazing "blanket statement" and one destined to do more harm than whatever good the study may do. It's basically telling a man that if he'd rather collect stamps than rock climb there's "something wrong with him."
I would like to see just one study include every type of human during my life. There have been endless "studies" and whenever I read about one of them I find myself saying "yes, but..."
I'd also like to see the study presented in a way that doesn't doom people by its findings. Women may be "wired" to be more "verbal," but men can learn to be more verbal. (Communication is a "skill" and skills can be learned.) Everything on the list is also a skill that can be learned.
And if one would really like to learn the full meaning of the word "agression," try insulting a child in front of his/her mother...then run like hell, 'cuz Mom's gonna kill ya.