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Old 05-03-2006, 01:46 PM   #7
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by DonMike
And you know, I've met more than a few guys who were straight, were very soft spoken, loved to cook, and dressed with more style than I could ever hope to have. I agree with Morgan, behaviour is learned. When I was growing up the majority of my friends were girls. So I'm very in tuned with my feminine side. I'm not extremely feminie and I'm not really butch either. I like to think I'm somewhere in between. I have no idea where I'm going with this so I'll stop now. LOL!
Don...I think most people are somewhere in the middle. I have enormous aggression when it comes to my family. (During a difficult pregnancy where the baby and I almost died, a dumb bitch in my husband's office neglected to give him a phone message from me. The next time I saw the dumb bitch, I looked her dead in the eye and cordially said that if she ever did that again, I'd rip out her spleen. I thought she was going to void her bladder on the spot. That is but one of many stories I have that would cause that "men are more aggressive" thing to go right out the window.)

My husband's mother is a woman with a low tolerance for incompetancy, so she taught my husband to cook, do laundry, iron, etc., etc. When he got out of the Navy, he went to work for Holiday Inn, where he did a lot of cooking out of necessity. (Can't close the restaurant if the cook is late, so the Food and Beverge Director has to roll up his sleeves and go to it.)

I had a lot of male friends growing up, and found them to be just as articulate and empathetic as my female friends, if not more so.

I often look at the world now and mutter "what the hell is *wrong* with you people???"

I hate labels.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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