Originally posted by DonMike
Wow, is that a blanket statement or what? There could be a whole other study about Gays and Lesbians in regards to this. I know a lot of gay men (and even some straight men) who are verbal, nurturing, emotional, etc. and more lesbians who are outdoorsy and aggressive and all that stuff. Not to mention the whole thing about people who are transgendered. Would be really interesting to find out if the path those hormones take are different for each type of person.
I think this statement hit closer to home than you may realise.
This wouldn't be a separate study, It could theoretically be one and the same.
a "previously undiscovered hormone" that wires brains differently in men and women could be a reason that gay men tend to be more feminine. and vice versa for lesbians.
With information like this, A strong argument could be made that being gay or lesbian could merely be a hormonal imbalance. No one has known why gays are gay etc.... something like this could be the reason and really set back gay and lesbian rights. If, all of a sudden, it gets shown that there is a homone that makes you more of a man or woman ... then being gay is all of a sudden a medical condition... rather than a "who you are" condition.
I'm straight and don't pretend to know why people are gay, but I know a lot of my gay and lesbian friends would be really upset being told all of a sudden it is a medical condition that needs to be fixed rather than supporting their choices.