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Old 05-04-2006, 05:38 AM   #11
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Default Re: New evidence shows how hormones wire the minds of men and women wired different

Originally posted by oceania
New evidence shows how hormones wire the minds of men and women to see the world differently

hell you dont have to be a rocket scientist to knwo that
run a pay site for women and use typical male porn see how many stay

article on the chicgo tribune...

Scientists are still a long way from figuring out what women and men really want, but they are getting a lot closer to understanding what makes their brains so different.

That women and men think differently has little to do with whether they are handed dolls or trucks to play with as infants. ...
The differences, researchers are beginning to discover, appear to have a lot more to do with how powerful hormones wire the female and male brain during early development and later in life.

Among the newest findings: A previously unknown hormone appears to launch puberty's sexual and mental transformation; growth hormone is made in the brain's memory center at rates up to twice as high in females as in males; and the brain's hot button for emotions, the amygdala, is wired to different parts of the brain in women and men.

Scientists hope the findings may help explain such mysteries as why females are often more verbal, more socially empathetic, more nurturing and more susceptible to depression, while males tend to be more aggressive, more outdoorsy, more focused on things than people and more vulnerable to alcohol and drug addiction.

I always been glad that in some reasons and some ways men and women are different... I mean thats tne beauty itself bec. we are all unique...
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