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Old 05-04-2006, 02:48 PM   #7
MorganGrayson should edit this
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I can't believe we're discussing the beliefs on condom use of a religious body that once buried married couples who died within a year of each other far apart because they believed the male corpse would dig through the earth to get to the female corpse to have sex...and since no children could result from such a union, it was the ultimate in sin. (G'head. Look it up if you think I freelanced that one.)

Suicides can't be buried in consecrated ground, but murders can. There's no "mental illness" loophole for these people.

Ronaldo...it's easy for the ignorant to have a world stage when they own so damned much of it. That "vow of poverty" thing only applies to the bottom rungs, not the organization as a whole.

This argument *will* go on until the end of time - or until all the participants die of some hideous, preventable disease.

I'll go back to "respecting all Paths" later. Right now, I'm going to sip coffee and be pissed off at the Catholics, which as a former miserable, depressed, confused Catechism kid who got thrown out a lot, is my right to do.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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