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Old 05-05-2006, 11:47 AM   #19
gnat69 should edit this Edit
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I shit my pants and gasped so loud my cats took off!!!

As far as the killing spree...this is what I think!!!

Michael has come back, but he was gone for way too long, don't you think for him just to come back and say hey yeah they are not well armed we can take them.....whatever dood!!

He was brain washed!!! Sent back to give them that bullshit story, to rescue the guy they captured so he can get Walt back, but they are not going to give him back and Michael will end up more insane than he is!!!

But since the end of the season is coming near, with a show like this I have to be honest and tell you I get right pissed off when they show a new episode and leave you hanging then play re-runs or catch-up shows for the next month....

Just play the damn show and tell me what happens, but I swear if this is all a dream of Hurley's I will be double pissed!!!
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