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Old 05-17-2006, 01:43 PM   #9
SilvercashJeanette should edit this
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Originally posted by MorganGrayson
HIH...I had huge problems with my mother-in-law initially. I couldn't figure out what the hell to do...until I accidentally cracked the code. The woman wanted me to call her "Mom." That's it. Once I started doing that, all was well.

It may be the same for you, HIH. Not calling her "Mom," I mean necessarily...but a "something" that she wants. Once she gets it, the whole relationship changes. You can't change a lifetime of her relationship with Taylor, but it might be something as simple as her wanting some household help that she feels she should be getting from her child/children.

I know that if you showed up and cleaned MY house like that...I'd KILL for you!
Wow, you may be on to something there Morgan. Thanks for the advice. I will deffinatly try that, I bet you're right.
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