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Old 05-18-2006, 04:11 PM   #10
Evil Chris
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Default Re: Last night's Lost

Originally posted by TheEnforcer
Ok.. a VERY good epeisode of Lost last night. A few things..

1- Did Walt look OLDER to anybody else? He seemed bigger and older to me. Like he had magically grew a few inches and aged a few years.

2- Even though the description of the "others" by michael seems to be accurate in terms of what he told Jack and the gang. IE- huts, fishing nets, two guns, etc does anyone else really believe that is an ACCURATE picture? Walt did say they were pretending.

3- The lady who let Claire escape showed up again. Any ideas as to her motives and such?

4- What do you think they want THOSE SPECIFIC four people for?

5- And the sailboat. Somehting tells me that had to be alluded to somehow already previously as it would be way to "out fo the blue" for this show that does so much foreshadowing. That said, I can'tm remember anything but can anyone lese here?
TE, I also thought last night was a great episode. And it baffled the hell out of me. I think Michael should be held responsible for what he did, whether it was for Walt or not.

Too many things to even speculate on. The 4 names, Walt's comments, the boat, Ecko's actions.... So much happening all at once.

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