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Old 05-19-2006, 06:04 PM   #3
-=LC=- should edit this
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an unsubscribe request sent to the Yahoo groups
also needs a second action on the part of the
Yahoo email account holder in order to complete it
and be finally unsubscribed from any Yahoo group
that the person was a member of, but it can be done that way

they also can go into the Yahoo groups web site / and pages
and manage their groups settings or memberships directly
that was as to leave the group, which is more effecive, but,
either way, and in fact, both of those ways, it can be accomplished.


messages in Adult Yahoo Groups
(or MSN groups or Google groups)

the all time favorite.

NOT direct emailing

NOT unsolicited

it has been opted into
and can be opted out of

people must voluntarily join
as a member to any Yahoo group
(or any of the others for that matter)

they also control "Message Delivery"
if they get messages in their email inbox

they have four (4) options for that
when joining, and also any time after

it just plain isn't a problem categorically
for a number of combining reasons about it

People act just as flaky as they want to sometimes,
even though what I say is true and are the main points
and aspects that are the essential matter of defining
what is illegal spam or spam that is against the rules
and also, again, "by contrast" > What is NOT.....

it dosen't seem to matter sometimes as people
often act like they haven't got any clue....

...someone told them to jump, so they jump?

what you have happening sometmes is people reacting to
"complaints" by some people who haven't got any clue about
their own internet use, they think a message they got from
an adult Yahoo group they joined is spam, dosen't mean it is...

it means they don't know how to use Yahoo groups correctly as a surfer

most surfers who join those don't even notice that they control
their own settings when joining and can do that any time after too

in "Edit Membership" for "Message Delivery" (also at the time of Joining)

again Groups at Yahoo, or MSN, or Google, etc...

must be joined voluntarily, by the person to be a member, that's opt in...

they can always leave the group, or unsubscribe, any time, that's opt out...

they as members control their own settings for "Message Delivery" (4 options)

it is not direct emailing and it isn't unsolicited,

it is in fact, OPT IN, which is what they have done as any group members
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