Originally posted by TheLegacy
my mom passed only a few years ago - and although I miss her alot, the best way I can celebrate her is to have a happy life and living with the values she instilled in me and giving the best I can - the fullest in the years to follow.
Thank you, my Robert. That was lovely and it helped me.
One of the things you have to have ready when you have kids is what I call "the death talk." The very first time my two little bits fell in love with mice at the pet store my first thought was "oh, shit, I have to get the death talk ready." (Mice only hang around for a couple of years.) Well, dead pets, like balloons that slip away, all go up to this beautiful place that I described to them...and Grandma. If I was at all accurate in my description, my mother is sitting under a tree full of balloons (she despises balloons) surround by cats, dogs, mice, rats, chickens and a hermit crab.
Boy, is my Mom pissed.