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Old 05-23-2006, 02:18 PM   #9
Bhelliom should edit this
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I saw the movie Opening night, The 1030 show in Toronto.

Couple of points. Three fights broke out before the show even started. The first was when some kid got in a fight with the manager Beucase he tried to dodge the line and just walk in while the people who HAD waited in line for an hour were moving into the theatre. It was very funny to watch the guy argue with the manager and eventually not be allowed into the movie while his girlfriend was pleading with him to calm down and wait in line. I'm sure that argument would have been fun to watch later that night

Two more fights/arguments broke out over seating arrangements which calmed down after a few minutes.

Overall, I thought the movie was excellent and held veryclose to the book. I understand that some people may have found it slow in spots while they covered the background/historical explanations in dialogue that were written up differently in the book (IE as just background) but that's what needs to be done when you move something to the big screen. My Girlfriend, who is from Paris, said it was exactly how she pictured it while she read the book, Probably because she knew the areas they were talking about and couple envision them in her head.

To be honest I was a little worried that Tom Hanks wouldn't be able to live up to the role, but He came off as very believable and did the character justice.

As I said, I very much enjoyed both the book and the movie, and if you liked one you're sure to like the other.
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