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Thread: Da Vinci Code
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Old 05-30-2006, 06:11 PM   #21
MorganGrayson should edit this
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My son-in-law (the Druid, go figure) devoured the book then had to read "Angels and Demons" and all the atttendent books of material.

Evil Chris...I'll definitely give the DVD a look. The only theater around here that I enjoy going to is an actual first-run drive in. (Long since become an endangered species, the drive in, and I don't understand why.) I forget what I saw last there, but it was something that made me say "damn, I'm glad I saw that on a BIG screen!" I do know that some movies are so much better that way.

My favorite part of the movie so far - aside from watching a bunch of religious fanatics go batshit over a movie - was watching the absolutely cool albino guy from The Albino Code interviewed on the "Today Show." He was priceless.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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