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Old 05-30-2006, 07:32 PM   #19
ponyboy should edit this
Citizen X
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Hi Morgan

Well when Eric called me to let me know he was turned down not only was he crying but in the back round I herd his mom crying to. It broke my heart, but like me I got busy. I started calling everyone I could think of, the white house, sectary rice, my senator Clinton who did nothing, congressman king who did nothing, called the embassy a half dozen times only to be talked down to. Eric’s colleges even called the embassy to help, and she was slammed down! Then I started faxing everyone about 5 times, but no one would help.
By this time he had found a lawyer over there, and I had found a lawyer over here. He informed me that nothing could be done because he was out of status for one years, he only took 8 out of 12 credits, and the first year he got the US visa he didn’t use it. By the way he has been on the deans list for 3 out of 4 years.
The prick at the embassy said he has to wait till fall of 07 to reapply. But Eric is going to try again with the help with a few government offices in Asia, and his lawyer.
In the mean time he has found a college in Canada that he likes very much and is working to apply to get into it. It seems like Canada is a lot fairer then the US.
The US government is totally out of control with there fear of everyone and every thing!

So life goes on, we talk every morning on icq video, and every night. Plus ever three days on the phone. Plus now I’m kind of supporting him in Asia. He knows what would happen if I fly over there. I would go into the American embassy and give the ass a piece of my mind. Also the lawyer asked me not to go because he knows what I want to do. From working heavy construction all day long and weight lifting I know I can do some serious damage, but mostly with my mouth even if people watch my arms.

Just to let you know INS reinstated him and he should have a full F-1 visa but the state department turned him down.

Never trust a US government office, ever!!!!!!
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