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Old 05-31-2006, 05:57 PM   #4
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Shane...I'm currently taking a Walmart brand of allergy relief. It doesn't have the usual "compare to" on it, so I don't know what the brand name would be. I always buy the "Equate" brand from Walmart rather than the name brand because you could make a house payment with the money I've saved and it's the same stuff.

This is "multi-symptom/non-drowsy, severe congestion Sinus Relief" stuff. It's got a dark green stripe at the top and the # on the top right is NDC 49035-527-08. (I actually had to have all that written down to go get more.)

I feel my allergies blow up my sinuses and then get horrific pain in my teeth. It got so bad that I couldn't bite down or drink hot coffee without pain. I tried this stuff because the sudafed knockoff stopped working. Even Vicodin didn't touch it. This Equate stuff, however, knocked it out. I keep taking it because the allergies are in full force and I don't want that pain to come back. It was wicked.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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