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Thread: Challenger
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Old 05-31-2006, 07:04 PM   #10
Quagmire should edit this
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Originally posted by ponyboy
you're so right, it is a nightmare to get some parts, and junk yards don't even want to hear about some cars
The biggest issue is that a lot of people don't realize what is involved in storing/maintaining/indexing all these parts from cars that are 40+ years old.

Can you imagine walking in to a computer store and asking them to source out some parts for your 'classic' IBM PS/2 (with amber monitor of course)? They'd look at you like you just fell off the roof on to your head.

I think its a smart marketing plan on their part to cash in on the muscle car era. They see people paying tens of thousands of dollars to have an old car rebuilt and want a piece of that action. They only got $3-6k for the car when they first sold it.
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